Mastering Transformation: Seeing Beyond the Horizons of Today

Mastering Transformation (or "change") Successfully in a Work Environment of Continuous Change is Tough.

Most people don’t love change of any kind in any area of life.  Some will grudgingly accept it, while others downright hate and fight it every step of the way. As much as we know our lives cannot remain the same forever, truthfully, the prospect of change does not usually have us jumping up and down, hand in the air, begging, “Pick me! Pick me!”

Businesses also go through transformative events.  Mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, turnarounds, re-engineering, downsizing – all of these are difficult circumstances. And all difficult circumstances create the opportunity for everyone involved (management team, employees, vendors, and customers, alike) to develop a negative attitude and blame it on the situation.

Early-stage thoughtfulness put into developing and communicating an organization’s change strategy is key to aligning the thoughts of the staff, customers, and vendors.

This worksheet can help ease the pain of change and help your team Master Transformation.  

5 Steps to Mastering Transformation (worksheet).

Change doesn’t have to be scary or secretive.


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