Initiative, Ambition, and Curiosity

I was an inquisitive child.  I looked under rocks for creepy crawly things and climbed trees to get a different vantage point of the neighborhood. My inquisitiveness continues even now, but I’ve left the creepy crawlers behind.  I do still love finding different vantage points, but I find them by asking unique and thought-provoking questions.

In order to see things differently, we must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  How? A small, powerful step called initiative. 

Sadly, our inquisitive-by-nature children are taught to abandon their curiosity. By whom?  US!  Before you protest that you would never do such a thing, think about this:  How many times have you heard adults (or been the adult) telling a child to stop asking so many questions?  Do you tend to say “no” more often than “yes” simply because “no” is easier (for you)? When a child comes racing in, excited by a new idea, do you automatically shut down them and their excitement with “You can’t do that!”, or “That would NEVER work!”, or worse yet, “Don’t bother me. I’m busy!!”  Have you ever said “that’s not how we act” solely because it was more convenient for you?

Adults who behave this way undoubtedly had their own curiosity crushed when they were children, and they’ve forgotten what childlike excitement feels like.  They’ve become ambitious adults, but their growth is hindered because they’ve forgotten what it’s like to be inquisitive.

How often have you wanted to ask what your mind tells you is a “silly” question but stifled the urge for fear of being seen as an idiot?  How silly, indeed!  Curiosity sparks questions which, in turn, spark innovation.

How do we rekindle that spark of curiosity
as adults, as business leaders, as parents?

A. Ask the questions you fear are “silly.” Stop worrying about what others may  Amazingly, when I’ve taken the initiative to ask that silly question, many around the table admit to having the same or a similar question.  This led us to deep and interesting brainstorming discussions.  We became ambitious in the “next steps” because someone asked a question.  

The right questions plant the seeds

that grow ideas that flourish into success.

B. Encourage others to ask those questions that are on their minds.

Withhold judgment. Others are coming from a different place than you.  That doesn’t mean anything except they’re coming from a different place than you.  Be open.  Allow space for others to grow without fear of judgment.  Assume best intent.

Support others by actively listening to the verbal question while also watching their body language. Consider what is not being said in conjunction with the actual spoken words. Body language is a great communicator.

E. Encourage dialog after the question is asked. Be inquisitive yourself. 

Ambition leads to Curiosity which leads to Initiative.

I ask a lot of questions… what coach doesn’t?... and I encourage you to tap into your inner child and become inquisitive again. 

Need help?  Take the initiative and touch base with me.  I’ll help you find your path to reach your full potential. And we’ll have fun on the journey of discovery.

Let’s move forward.  Together.


P.S.  Book a Complimentary Strategy Session so we can get you moving in the right direction; click on my Complimentary Strategy Session calendar link here and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!

P.P.S.  With over three decades of professional experience in corporate operations and executive human resources, I am a proven results-driven leader.  My expertise includes strategy, change management, talent management and organizational development, employee relations, and executive and leadership coaching.  I am a highly effective communicator and team leader with proven ability to build long-term relationships across internal and external customer environments built with integrity, confidence, authenticity, and trust.