Using Emotional Intelligence and Setting Expectations

In this Emotional Intelligence series, topics have included how to ask for a response, clarification, and elaboration, how to explore other options, and better understand the “why”.  For easy reference, these newsletters can be found here (Response, Clarify, Elaborate, Exploration, and Why).  (Next week’s topic, excuse-making, will be the final installment.)

Today’s topic takes us another step out of the initial conversation. What about when you want someone to implement and follow through?

The hecticness of today’s world incites us to set a lot of things in motion – we discuss, plan, strategize, and decide on next steps.  Sadly, notwithstanding our activity, many projects remain untouched, while others were started but remain unfinished.  Deadlines come and go, and we’re struggling with feelings of overwhelm. 

As a leader, you juggle not only your own projects, but those of your team.  Managing a multitude of pressing demands can feel daunting.  So, what can you do? 

Take stock of each project and discuss the following questions to ensure timely completion with quality deliverables.

  • What is the action plan?
  • What could be our first step?
  • What progress has been made so far?
  • What support do you need to accomplish it?
  • What could get in the way?

When faced with a potentially overwhelming number of projects, pause and ensure you and your team have clarity of expectation.  Understand what your customer wants and outline all aspects of meeting this deliverable rather than just dropping it on a teammate, crossing your fingers, and hoping it will get done.

Reference the past articles (Response, Clarify, Elaborate, Exploration, and Why) for identifying the questions to ask before proceeding with a project.  Then, be intentional with setting the expectations. 

When a project is delayed or off-track, come back to these questions to realign and gain momentum toward completion.  Ask team mates to share their thoughts on the situation, including offering solutions for future situations.  Curiosity is key and brainstorming all aspects of a situation may alleviate a repeat failure.

As I grow my knowledge in EQ and communication, I regularly see that not all leaders are great communicators.  Yet, all leaders certainly can become great communicators, particularly when they believe that communication includes giving, receiving, understanding, and exploring the words being shared. 

I’ve helped hundreds of leaders just like you lean into their emotional intelligence.  It requires stepping into the realm of uncomfortableness, and most of the leaders will say that it was not easy. It’s also not always immediately successful.  Yet, every one of them who tried a new and unique approach to bridging the communication gap realized a more trusting and respectful relationship.

Need an external source to help you become inquisitive and step into your own EQ?  Let’s chat.

P.S.  Book a Complimentary Strategy Session so we can get you moving in the right direction; click on my 
Complimentary Strategy Session calendar link here and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!

My goal as an experienced Executive and Leadership Coach is to help you re-imagine your life and let go of thoughts and behaviors that undermine your success, so that a renewed and fulfilled you can emerge. My personal commitment is to provide you with accountability, understanding and support while accomplishing lasting growth. Click here and type “Tips” in the email Subject Line to receive tips and leadership advice to help you Discover Invisible Horizons.